Friday, May 29, 2009

The BEST PART OF MY DAY: The New Cavit

Today while getting off the T at Cleveland Circle, i decided to stop by the Reservoir wine and liquor store. The first bottle that caught my attention was the Cavit Pinot Grigio, clearly (that might have been the first words that came out of mouth as a toddler)

Anyways,  i saw that the 2007 and 2008 Cavit were priced the same but the 2008 looked taller so i firmly grasped it from the shelf.

As i was about to make my initial step towards the cashier, i decided to make sure there was not a bottle that might have been more delightful this evening to go with my reduced fat cheddar cheese (lets be honest, i just wanted to search around for the 1.5liter Cavit than the 750ml)

GOOD THING I DID because i found MY FAVORITE wine when i was abroad in NZ in Fall 2007. 

It is called Banrock Station Chardonnay. They have two versions of chardonnay so make sure you do not get fooled! Banrock has a Semillan Chardonnay and a regular. The regular is PURE BLISS and CHEAP... it was only 6.99$, in NZ it was only $5.00 (wonder how many bottles i collected during my 6month period abroad...countless)
Let me add that tons of wine stores sell Banrock (which is from the Eastern part of Australia) BUT it is imaginable to find this fine Banrock Station Chardonnay (i have only seen Banrock reds sold )! or at least i was looking in the wrong spot.
This is by far making my Boston summer even more perfect. Banrock is also the best wine to have on budget and can satisfy everyone's taste buds. I HIGHLY recommend it! and if you do not like it, you only spend about $7. 

And for all you Go GREEN lovers, it is recognized as a good earth wine! Go To the Website if you dont believe me! (

So next time you go to the wine store pick up a bottle of Banrock Station Chardonnay, Coming from a college student who has experienced fine dining with fine wine...this cheap treat should not go unnoticed!

Danielle Marie 

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